Professional Services
for all kinds of arts and culture clients

Illumine Creative Solutions, LLC. helps striving institutions manage collections, engage their communities, empower their boards, and strategically plan for a relevant and sustainable future. Founded in 2007, to serve the museum community, Illumine expanded in 2018 to add support to other arts and culture nonprofits, commercial clients, and individual collectors.
Illumine’s founder, Jennifer Souers Chevraux, has over 25 years of experience working in the museum field, during which she has served as curator, educator, exhibits director, development officer, board member, and executive director at a wide variety of cultural heritage institutions—everything from a children’s museum to a Presidential history center—managing collections from moon rocks to firearms, and prehistoric arts to fine arts. Her specialty is finding the relevance in collections and cultural heritage sites, making our experience with them meaningful.
Call or send us an email and let’s talk about how we can help your institution plan today for a brighter tomorrow.
Institutional Consulting
Here are some of the ways we help museums and cultural nonprofit organizations define success, manage initiatives, and achieve their institutional goals.

Strategic Planning
+ Facilitate institutional planning process from brainstorming and goal-setting through writing, editing, and publication
+ Conduct organizational review, preparing museums for future initiatives to make relevant and sustainable change

Board Development
+ Consult with museums and historical societies striving to implement industry best practices and improve organizational governance
+ Offer tools and guidance for board goal-setting and evaluation sessions
+ Provide board member cultivation and diversification strategies to more fully represent the museum’s community

Preservation Assistance
+ Assess collection condition and preservation for museums, historical societies, libraries, and fine arts centers
+ Develop emergency and disaster plans from initial onsite consultation through plan preparation and writing
+ Conduct proposal writing clinics and grant management training for staff and volunteers

Audience Engagement
+ Help museums and historical societies remain relevant to their changing communities through inter-generational program development, contemporary content creation, exhibit ideation and evaluation
+ Determine appropriate evaluation methodology, design stakeholder surveys, and develop audience studies
Akron Art Museum, Collections Committee Member
Art Therapy Studio, Development Director
Children’s Museum Cleveland, Exhibits Director
Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Director of Exhibits
Columbia Art League, Art and Art History Teacher
Dunham Tavern Museum, Board Member
ICA – Art Conservation, Education and Institutional Advancement Officer, Interim Executive Director, Education Outreach Officer
Ohio Museums Association, President, Executive Board Member